Smørefett Molytex EP 2 Texaco 400g patron (NLGI 2)

Product Description
Universelt smørefett tilsatt molybdendisulfid (MoS2). Egnet for rullende materiell som biler, anleggsmaskiner, og landbruksmaskiner.
Artikkelnummer: 611378
Lev.artikkelnr: 239050400
Materialklasse TGA95AB
Tekniske data
- Varemerke: Texaco
- Forpakningsstørrelser: 24 Stk
- Volum: 400 g
- Molytex EP 2 increases the life of propeller shafts by up to 30%, when compared with a standard lithium EP grease
- Molytex EP 2 is especially developed for use in constant-velocity joints
- Molytex EP 2 is a multi-purpose grease. Construction, mining and agricultural applications for Molytex EP 2 includes a wide range of grease lubrication points found on dozers, scrapers, earthmovers, cranes, shovels, rollers, tractors, combines and cotton pickers. These lubrication points include most types of anti-friction bearing arrangements from plain sleeve-types, to rolling element bearings, as well as bushings and other sliding surface or pivot points
- Molytex EP 2 has been successfully used in constant velocity joints (CV-joints) in front wheel drive automobiles, universal joints (U-joints) and for chassis lubrication. The presence of Moly helps provide added shock protection
- Molytex EP 2 is formulated to perform well in high load conditions and temperature extremes and help provide resistance to rust and water washout
Molytex EP 2 is not suitable for high speed rolling bearings.
- ASTM D4950 Service Classification LB
- Association of American Railroads Specification M-929-75
- Volvo Corporate standard STD 1277.65, lubricating grease 97765
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